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Showing posts from January, 2020

Job Hunting? Dont Take Maybe for an Answer

By John Seraichyk - Browning Associates  Job Hunting? Dont Take Maybe for an Answer Job Hunting? Don’t Take Maybe for an Answer I am incessantly astounded by the number of execs I speak with that will take the time to painstakingly develop a stellar résumé, submit it to the company of their dreams and rather than initiating an aggressive follow up call; they are typically insulted when nobody calls them back! Your job search cannot endure without a daily measure of NO’s If you are presently unemployed and your earning potential is $200k annually; it is costing you $769.00 in lost wages per work-day to conduct your search….Therefore, if you scrutinize your job search strictly from a business perspective, each day of unemployment is sinking your biz to the tune of $4,000.00 per week or $16,000.00 per month! GOT NO’s? The length of your job search is not determined by market conditions, salary requirements, geography preferences or restrictions and/or by your spec...

Thank God Its Friday

By John Seraichyk - Browning Associates I have often wondered where the phrase Thank God it’s Friday originates. Or, alternatively Thank Goodness it’s Friday or Terribly Gleeful it’s Friday. Furthermore, who founded Hump  Day (this is the middle of the week and the day you need to get through to get closer to the weekend) Furthermore, why are there snooze buttons on alarm clocks? For nearly thirty years I have interviewed thousands of professionals who sought out the valuable assistance of my organization because they hated their jobs. I call these people Thank God its Fridayers or TGIFers. These are people who wish their lives away working for the weekend or working through the weekend. Either way, they all agree, this is no way to live. Early in my career, I met with a middle-age professional (I’ll call him Jim) who told me he would depress the snooze button on his alarm clock as many as five times before getting out of bed on Monday morning. Jim further explai...