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How to make a friend for life in 30 minutes or less

How to make a friend for life in 30 minutes or less 

A man who went out to find a friend and returned 3 days later empty handed.  The same man then went out to BE a friend and was inundated with more than he ever dreamed…   

The heart and soul of making a friend is along the lines of what John F. Kennedy said, ask not what your country can do for you but visa versa… In other words, it's not what you can get but what you can give…   

Another key to instant lifelong friendship is synergy… Synergy is the door opener, the icebreaker if you will…  What do you have in common with your new friend prospect?  For the purposes of this article which is targeted at executive networkers seeking new employment, a good synergy might be, you are both job hunting. Or maybe you both live in the same city or state. Or maybe you were in the military or you're both Christian or you went to the same college or… Get the point?  There's a natural comradery here that will certainly at least solidify into a phone conversation.

Before having a first call with your new friend be sure to look them up on facebook - Yes Facebook! The average Facebook user is 45 years of age…
Also check linkedin etc…  

A great ice breaker for your first 30 seconds of any call is to simply  say, so, how’s life treating you?  Or how’s the job going?  Or, I think I saw your facebook page, I see you're a boater, wow me too or (fill in the blank…)   Your goal is to prompt a response whereas they confide in you one personal thing about themselves. Once they open up about anything outside of their resume, the ‘friendship” seed has been planted...

Again, the key to solidifying a friendship in short order is synergy and comradery…   
The next thing you say or ask is, so, how can I help you?  This of course comes about 10 minutes after you’ve been talking about boating or (fill in the blank...) 

Once you have a clear understanding of what their needs are, offer 3 action items that you will commit to perform for them and set a follow up call… This is easy because the follow up is about them not you… At this point, just to ease curiosity, you might suggest how your new friend might reciprocate but you’ll talk about this next time when your friend is feeling much more indebted to you moo ha ha - - -



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